Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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C/C++ Source or Header
331 lines
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
$Header: b1nuC.c,v 1.4 85/08/22 16:50:36 timo Exp $
#include <ctype.h>
#include "b.h"
#include "b0con.h"
#include "b0fea.h"
#include "b1obj.h"
#include "b1mem.h"
#include "b1num.h"
#include "b2syn.h" /* temporary until numconst is fixed */
char *sprintf(); /* OS */
extern value tento();
extern integer int_tento();
#define EXPDIGITS 10 /* Extra positions to allow for exponent part */
/* -- must be larger than tenlogBASE */
#define MAXDIGITS (MAXNUMDIG-1) /* Max precision for fixed/floating numbers */
/* Maximum number of digits to print in integer notation */
/* (4 is the size of 'e+00' added by sprintf) */
/* Convert an integer to a C character string.
The character string is overwritten on each next call.
It assumes BASE is a power of 10. */
Hidden char *convint(v) register integer v; {
static char *buffer, shortbuffer[tenlogBASE+3];
static char fmt[10];
register char *cp;
register int i;
bool neg = No;
if (IsSmallInt(v)) {
sprintf(shortbuffer, "%d", SmallIntVal(v));
return shortbuffer;
if (Digit(v, Length(v)-1) < 0) {
neg = Yes;
v = int_neg(v);
if (buffer) freemem(buffer);
buffer = getmem((unsigned)(Length(v)*tenlogBASE + 1 + neg));
cp = buffer;
if (neg) *cp++ = '-';
sprintf(cp, "%d", Msd(v));
if (!IsSmallInt(v)) {
if (!*fmt) sprintf(fmt, "%%0%dd", tenlogBASE);
while (*cp) ++cp;
for (i = Length(v)-2; i >= 0; --i, cp += tenlogBASE)
sprintf(cp, fmt, Digit(v, i));
if (neg) release((value) v);
return buffer;
#ifdef EXT_RANGE
/* This is terrible. But never mind, it'll all change (sometimes). */
Hidden bool hugenumber(v) value v; {
bool huge;
real w = (real) approximate(v);
huge = Expo(w) > Maxexpo || Expo(w) < Minexpo && Frac(w) != 0;
return huge;
Hidden string convapp(v) value v; {
value absv, tenlogv, expo, tentoexpo, frac;
static char buf[100];
char fmt[15];
int precision;
double fracval, expoval, i;
absv = absval(v);
tenlogv = log2((value)int_10, absv), release(absv);
expo = floorf(tenlogv), release(tenlogv);
expoval = numval(expo), release(expo);
if (expoval*tenlogBASE >= Maxintlet || expoval*tenlogBASE <= -Maxintlet) {
expo = (value) mk_approx(expoval, 0.0);
tentoexpo = power((value)int_10, expo), release(expo);
tentoexpo = tento((int)expoval);
frac = quot(v, tentoexpo), release(tentoexpo);
fracval = numval(frac), release(frac);
while (fabs(fracval) >= 10) fracval /= 10, ++expoval;
while (fabs(fracval) < 1) fracval *= 10, --expoval;
precision = MAXDIGITS;
i = expoval < 0 ? -expoval : expoval;
while (i >= 10 && precision > 2) --precision, i /= 10;
/* Loose precision for large exponents! */
/* :-( But keep some too! )-: */
sprintf(fmt, "%%.%dlgE%%s%%2.0lf", precision);
sprintf(buf, fmt, fracval, expoval >= 0 ? "+" : "", expoval);
return buf;
#endif EXT_RANGE
/* Convert a numeric value to a C character string.
The character string is overwritten on each next call. */
Visible string convnum(v) register value v; {
static char convbuf[3+CONVBUFSIZE+EXPDIGITS];
/* 3 extra for things (sign, 0.) to be stuck on front of it */
static char fmt[10];
char *bufstart = convbuf+3;
register char *cp = bufstart;
double x;
if (Integral(v)) return convint((integer)v);
#ifdef EXT_RANGE
if (hugenumber(v)) return convapp(v);
/* Reasonably-sized reals and rationals are treated alike.
However, not-too-large rationals resulting from
'n round x' are transformed to f-format. */
x = numval(v);
if (!*fmt) sprintf(fmt, "%%.%dlg", MAXDIGITS);
sprintf(bufstart, fmt, x);
for (cp = bufstart; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
if (*cp == 'e') { /* change sprintf's 'e' to 'E' */
*cp = 'E';
#ifdef IBMPC
if (*cp != 'E') {
/* Delete trailing zeros after decimal pt; don't rely on %g */
for (cp = bufstart; *cp != '\0' && *cp != '.'; ++cp)
if (*cp == '.') {
char *ep;
for (; *cp != '\0' && *cp != 'E'; ++cp)
ep = cp;
while (*--cp == '0')
if (++cp < ep) {
while (*ep != '\0')
*cp++ = *ep++;
*cp = '\0';
#endif IBMPC
if (Rational(v) && Roundsize(v) > 0 && *cp != 'E') {
int i = Roundsize(v);
int j = 1;
/* Counts digits allowed beyond MAXDIGITS, 1 for '.' */
for (cp = bufstart; *cp == '0'; ++cp)
++j; /* Allow a trailing zero for each leading zero */
for (; *cp != '\0' && *cp != '.'; ++cp)
; /* Find '.' or end of string */
if (*cp == '\0') {
*cp = '.'; /* Append '.' if not found */
*++cp = '\0';
else {
while (*++cp == '0')
/* Allow more precision if leading zeros */
++j, --i;
while (*cp != '\0')
--i, ++cp; /* Find last digit */
/* Append extra zeros (but don't show more precision
than sprintf can!) */
while (--i >= 0 && cp < bufstart+MAXDIGITS+j)
*cp++ = '0';
*cp = '\0'; /* Append new terminating null byte */
return bufstart;
/* Convert a string to a number (assume it's syntactically correct!).
Pointers to the first and last+1 characters are given.
Again, BASE must be a power of 10.
********** NEW **********
If E_EXACT is defined, all numbers input are made exact, even if
E-notation is used.
********** WARNING **********
This routine must be fixed, because it accesses the source buffer
and it shouldn't because it's in the wrong place in the hierarchy
Visible value numconst(text, end) register txptr text, end; {
register txptr tp;
register int numdigs, fraclen;
integer a;
register digit accu;
value c;
if (Char(text) == 'E') a = int_1;
else {
while (text<end && Char(text)=='0') ++text; /* Skip leading zeros */
for (tp = text; tp<end && isdigit(Char(tp)); ++tp)
; /* Count integral digits */
numdigs = tp-text;
fraclen = 0;
if (tp<end && Char(tp)=='.') {
for (; tp<end && isdigit(Char(tp)); ++tp)
++fraclen; /* Count fractional digits */
numdigs += fraclen;
a = (integer) grab_num((numdigs+tenlogBASE-1) / tenlogBASE);
if (!a) return Vnil; /* Recovered error */
accu = 0;
/* Integer part: */
for (; text<end && isdigit(Char(text)); ++text) {
accu = accu*10 + Char(text)-'0';
if (numdigs%tenlogBASE == 0) {
Digit(a, numdigs/tenlogBASE) = accu;
accu = 0;
/* Fraction: */
if (text < end && Char(text) == '.') {
for (; text<end && isdigit(Char(text)); ++text) {
accu = accu*10 + Char(text)-'0';
if (numdigs%tenlogBASE == 0) {
Digit(a, numdigs/tenlogBASE) = accu;
accu = 0;
if (numdigs != 0) syserr(MESS(800, "numconst: can't happen"));
a = int_canon(a);
/* Exponent: */
if (text >= end || Char(text) != 'E') {
integer b = int_tento(fraclen);
c = mk_exact(a, b, fraclen);
release((value) b);
else {
double expo = 0;
int sign = 1;
value b;
if (text < end) {
if (Char(text) == '+') ++text;
else if (Char(text) == '-') {
sign = -1;
for (; text<end && isdigit(Char(text)); ++text) {
expo = expo*10 + Char(text)-'0';
if (expo > Maxint) {
error(MESS(801, "excessive exponent in E-notation"));
expo = 0;
b = tento((int)expo * sign - fraclen);
#ifndef E_EXACT
/* Make approximate number if E-notation used */
c = approximate(b);
b = c;
if (a == int_1) c = b;
else c = prod((value)a, b), release(b);
release((value) a);
return c;
* printnum(f, v) writes a number v on file f in such a way that it
* can be read back identically, assuming integral powers of ~2 can be
* computed exactly. (This is necessary for the permanent environment.)
Visible Procedure printnum(f, v) FILE *f; value v; {
if (Approximate(v)) {
if (Frac((real)v) == 0) fprintf(f, "~0");
else {
static char fmt[25];
if (!*fmt)
sprintf(fmt, "%%.%dlgE0*~2**%%.0lf", MAXDIGITS+2);
fprintf(f, fmt, Frac((real)v), Expo((real)v));
fputc('~', f);
if (Rational(v) && Denominator((rational)v) != int_1) {
int i = Roundsize(v);
fputs(convnum((value)Numerator((rational)v)), f);
if (i > 0 && i <= MAXDIGITS) {
/* The assumption here is that in u/v, the Roundsize
of the result is the sum of that of the operands. */
putc('.', f);
do putc('0', f); while (--i > 0);
putc('/', f);
v = (value) Denominator((rational)v);
fputs(convnum(v), f);